The UroLift™ System
Get back out there.
A proven approach to treating BPH that lifts and holds enlarged prostate tissue out of the way, so it no longer blocks the urethra.
#1 chosen minimally invasive BPH procedure in the U.S.*
How The UroLift™ System Works
The UroLift™ System procedure can be performed as a same-day outpatient procedure, including the office setting, under local anesthesia.1 Patients typically return home with no overnight stay and no catheter required after treatment.2 Here's how it works.
Enlarged Prostate
An enlarged prostate can narrow or even block the urethra.
Step 1
The UroLift™ Delivery Device is placed through the obstructed urethra to access the enlarged prostate.
Step 2
Small UroLift™ Implants are permanently placed to lift and hold the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way.
Step 3
The UroLift™ Delivery Device is removed, leaving an open urethera to improve flow and provide lasting BPH symptom relief.
Watch this 2-minute overview of the UroLift™ System procedure
Why Choose The UroLift™ System?
Faster Recovery. Fewer Risks. Proven Outcomes.3-5
Durable Results, Lasting Relief5
Better symptom relief than reported for medications2,6
Risk profile better than reported for surgical procedures, such as TURP2,4,6
Proven Alternative to Drug Therapy5
About 50% of men surveyed are dissatisfied with their BPH medication–34% experienced unpleasant side effects§
Urologist satisfaction with medication therapy for BPH has declined significantly in the last two years||
Rapid Symptom Relief and Recovery1,2
Recovery in days, not months1
Rapid relief with a low risk profile2
Proven Safe and Effective5
Provides consistent outcomes to a broad range of BPH patients12
Risk profile better than reported for surgical procedures, such as TURP2,4,6
Improves Quality of Life5
Symptoms of BPH can cause interrupted sleep, loss of productivity, and depression—all of which can decrease quality of life13
The goal of the UroLift™ System treatment is to relieve symptoms so you can get back to your life and daily activities
Preserves Sexual Function†5
Preserves†5 and possibly improves‡8 sexual function
The only leading BPH procedure shown not to cause new and lasting sexual dysfunction†3,7
Find a UroLift™-Trained Physician
The UroLift™ System procedure is performed by a large network of urologists, who can advise you on the treatment plan that's best for you.
Hear From Other BPH Patients**
“I couldn’t be happier with my results. The UroLift™ System procedure helped reduce the number of pit stops I had to make during my drives. I sleep much better and go to the bathroom less often at night.”**
Find a Physician
Search for UroLift-trained physicians in your area.
Insurance Info
The UroLift™ procedure is covered by Medicare, national, and commercial plans.*
*when medical criteria are met
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1. Shore, Can J Urol 2014
2. Roehrborn, J Urology 2013
3. AUA BPH Guidelines 2003, 2020
4. Sonksen, Eur Urol 2015
5. Roehrborn, Can J Urol 2017
6. AUA BPH Guidelines 2003
7. McVary, Urology 2019
8. Roehrborn, Predictors of Durability, AUA 2021
9. Speakman, BJUI 2014
10. Lusty, J Urol 2021
11. Wei, et al, J Urol April 2010 abstract
12. Eure, J Endourol 2019
13. Speakman, BJUI 2014
*U.S. 2022 estimates based on US Market Model 2022-24 (5-17-22 FINAL), which is in part based on Symphony Health PatientSource® 2018-21, as is and with no representations/warranties, including accuracy or completeness.
**As with any medical procedure, individual results may vary. See patient safety for more information.
† No instances of new, sustained erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction in the L.I.F.T. pivotal study
‡ Based on analysis of erectile and ejaculatory function for 331 PUL patients treated in a controlled setting
§Survey of US men aged 40+ who have been diagnosed with BPH (enlarged prostate) and are/have been treated with BPH medications, conducted by Teleflex in 2020. Data on file, n=96
||Data on file. Teleflex; primary, blinded research with 202 Urologists in the US, Nov-Dec 2019;s6
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