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Living With BPH

Are urinary symptoms slowing you down?

Symptoms of an enlarged prostate, also known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), can really impact your lifestyle – from planning bathroom stops to avoiding activities you used to enjoy. If you can relate, it may be time to take action.

Icon of a golf bag

Do you avoid events or activities because of your urinary symptoms?


Nearly half of men surveyed have avoided activities they enjoy because of their urinary symptoms.*

Icon of a water glass

Have you limited beverages to avoid a frequent or urgent need to urinate?


About 3 in 4  men surveyed have limited fluid intake in the evening to avoid getting up at night to urinate.*

Icon of a box of popcorn

Is it hard to make it through a movie without having to visit the men's room?


Over 60% of men surveyed couldn't make it through a movie without getting up to urinate 2 or more times.**

Signs of an Enlarged Prostate

If you’ve been struggling with these or other lower urinary tract symptoms, it's time to take care of #1. A great first step is to take the BPH Quiz and share your results with a primary care doctor or urologist.

  • Need to urinate frequently, day and night

  • An urgent need to go

  • Weak or slow urinary stream

  • Stream stops and starts

  • Difficulty emptying bladder completely

Watch 2-minute video: Mike explores solutions for his BPH symptoms

BPH Symptoms Can Impact Your Quality of Life

Enlarged prostate symptoms can sneak up on you. At first, they may feel like the normal course of aging, but over time they can become more than just a nuisance. Select the tabs below to see how BPH can affect men's quality of life.

Icon of an eyeball Sleep
Moon showing through a window

Impact to Energy*

Over 70% of men surveyed said their energy level has been impacted during the day because they get up frequently at night to urinate.*

Icon of a face showing anxiety Activities
Golf ball on a tee

Impact to Enjoyment*

Nearly half of men surveyed have avoided events or activities they enjoy because of their urinary symptoms.*

Icon of a face showing frustration Wellbeing

Impact to Mental Health§

Nearly 35% of men surveyed believe symptoms of enlarged prostate can cause loss of productivity and depression.§

Icon of two headshots Relationships
Railroad tracks

Impact to Relationships§

57% of men surveyed believe that BPH affects relationships.§

Icon of two people in bed Sex Life
Empty bed

Impact to Sex Life§

61% of men surveyed believe that BPH impacts sex.§

“If I drank a cup of water, I'd have to go immediately after. I'd be up four times in a night going to the bathroom.”‡

David B., 51

Get Ahead of Your Health

Because BPH is a benign condition, men may feel less urgency to address increasingly bothersome symptoms. But without intervention, even men on BPH medications can be at risk for disease progression.1

You don't have to take the slow road

To get a comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis, don't hesitate to reach out to your primary care doctor for a urology referral.

The urologist may recommend diagnostic tests, such as cystoscopy. This common test can be performed in the doctor's office, in about five minutes.6

BPH Care Pathway

Accelerate your path to better living

When booking a urology appointment, ask if any recommended diagnostics can be performed while you're there.

If you are diagnosed with BPH, your urologist can discuss treatment options and help you decide on the best approach for long-term symptom relief.

It's not just about the prostate

BPH can affect your bladder health if left untreated and may lead to difficulty urinating or urinary tract infections. In extreme cases, problems such as bladder stones or even the ongoing need for a catheter may occur.1-3 That’s why it’s important to be proactive and talk to a urologist about prostate health.

Don't assume it's too soon

Even men in their forties can experience BPH symptoms. Enlarged prostate is the leading reason men visit a urologist.5 Earlier intervention treatments, such as the UroLift™ System, can help preserve bladder health and improve your quality of life.4

Bladder disease progression - untreated BPH

Get Personalized BPH Information, at Your Fingertips

BPH Advisor™ is a free patient education program on enlarged prostate, developed with the input of board-certified urologists.

Following a brief questionnaire, you receive:

  • Your BPH symptom score
  • A detailed report based on your responses
  • Information about BPH and treatment options, by text or email

Along with your doctor, BPH Advisor can help you choose the treatment plan that's best for you.

BPH Advisor content on phone

Get the BPH Advisor™ app:

Available on the App Store Get It On Google Play

Time to Take Care of #1

Ask About the UroLift™ System

If you're ready to kick BPH symptoms to the curb and get back on track, ask your urologist if the UroLift™ System could be right for you.

  • The #1 minimally invasive BPH procedure chosen by urologists and their patients in the U.S.
  • A proven option for patients looking for an alternative to medications or major surgery.4
  • Covered by Medicare, national, and commercial plans, when medical criteria are met

How BPH Can Impact Bladder Health (2 minute video)

How The UroLift™ System Works - Watch This Brief Video


  • 1. AUA BPH Guidelines 2021

  • 2. Flanigan, J Urol 1998

  • 3. Tubaro, Drugs Aging 2003

  • 4. Roehrborn Can J Urol 2017 

  • 5. IMS Health NDTI Urology Specialty Profile, July 2012 - June 2013

  • * Survey of US men aged 45+ who have experienced at least one urinary symptom commonly associated with BPH (enlarged prostate), conducted by Teleflex in 2021. Data on file, n=1020.

  • **Survey of US men aged 45+ who have experienced at least one urinary symptom commonly associated with BPH (enlarged prostate), conducted by Teleflex in 2021. Data on file, n=1052.

  • § Survey of US men aged 40+ who have been diagnosed with BPH (enlarged prostate) and are/have been treated with BPH medications, conducted by Teleflex in 2020. Data on file, n= 1,143.

  • † U.S. 2022 estimates based on US Market Model 2022-24 (5-17-22 FINAL), which is in part based on Symphony Health PatientSource® 2018-21, as is and with no representations/warranties, including accuracy or completeness. 

  • ‡ As with any medical procedure, individual results may vary. See patient safety for more information.

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